Friday, November 7, 2008

We Need Your Help!

The WKU College Republicans and College Democrats would like to announce their first annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. We will be collecting non-perishable food items to benefit needy families this holiday season. Donations can be dropped off in the Political Science Department, which is located on the third floor of Grise Hall, or you can contact us and we can pick up donations from your department on campus. The food drive will run from Monday, November 10th through Friday, November 21st. Donations will benefit the Barren River Area Safe Space and St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Please do what you can to make this holiday season a little bit brighter for those in need.

If you have any questions please contact Dr. Joel Turner at or 745-2728.


Anonymous said...

Likely the Democrats did all the work... just like in real life.

Anonymous said...

Democrats would have waited for the government to do something, while Republicans actually take the initiative to help their neighbors in need.